Each little act, each little sound, any action what so ever, even a thought changes the energy of our planet.
Each little act or thought generates a moment of energy that warps the space-time around us. And this warpage is not focal or local. The space-time envelope is a continuum from origin to eternity and universal in expanse. This sheet will remember and memorise each fold forever. Each little breath taken in this universe is still in its memory.
Cultivate good thoughts. We get human form after ages of passing several life forms, our scriptures claim. This journey cannot bring us to evil. It is not possible for a human being to be evil or wrong. We find all the evil in world because of the degeneration and the disconnect from our natural source of energy and replenishment. We urgently need to reconnect and eliminate the folds that can warp the space-time envelope uncomfortably.
Plant a tree.
Create a green patch.
Use your car a little less.
Love your world.
Spend a little time in silence.
Spend a moment in thought.
Spend a moment in reflection.
Learn from nature.
Be committed to your immediate family- and your extended family.
Love the Mother who has made life possible.
She gives freely. Give what you do not need. Take only what you need and no more. Give her the time to recover and replenish. She is giving so we may survive. Our survival depends on her survival. She will live on irrespective of us- in fact may do so better without us.
Our planet is burning with fever. We will need to help her cool down. The earth has cyclically gone through ages of periodic warming and cooling. She might be in a phase of heating up now. We will gain nothing by adding to this fever. We may lose all by not being mindful and by being inattentive to her needs this moment.
We are like a virus that has attacked a body.
What is a virus? A virus is a biological entity that multiplies, proliferates and overtakes (usually) the system it invades. If innocuous, it passes off as a sneeze, or a wheeze with a little bit of watering and some discomfort. If it is sinister, it will overpower the system and cause a fever, some shivering and shakes, some sweating and often the feeling of being depleted. When it is lethal, it also adds to its own effects. The body that was invaded reels under the onslaught, rolls over, burns, vomits... and may die.
Is that not what appears to be happening to Earth?
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