Have you ever played a computer game? If you are like my husband- you probably would not have. You have missed something in life!
One of my very close friends does not play to win! She plays to unwind and destress. When asked if why she plays mindlessly, she replies," If I have to put my mind to it- why play!?"
I am different. I play to keep alert. I make the ordinary games more challenging by setting myself some targets that must be achieved at certain times along the course of the game... in a certain well planned way. If I am playing freecell, for example, I want every final column to start with the K card. I also want these columns to be single file... no column space in between or alternate column space in between or one red one bpack column etc. Just that little bit more difficult! My mind keeps thinking the best way to do it. Strategy. Execution. Challenge.
Don't you wish life could be like a computer game? Did you make a mistake? Why worry? Undo! Do you feel you took the losing track? No issues! Restart! And if you are really stuck in a situation but want to continue to play- you still have the option of 'New game!' Just change the game!
In life, however, we have to keep walking on the path we chose. We must go on and bear the consequence of our actions- good or bad- no getting away from it.
We may make a bad decision and that single bad decision will definitely keep rearing its ugly head even if we try to forget. There is as yet no Undo button in our life. The closest that one may come to an undo button is a sincere apology. No matter how close you are or how you feel everything was or was not justified... that is the only undo option you have. And yet it is not used very often and when used it is seldom meant.
When you have landed yourself in a soup, you could choose to drink it! However, it would be much smarter to just get out and dry yourself. Quit the game and start another one. We are unable to detach ourselves from the role of the doer who is living our life to the spectator who is simply enjoying the journey.
Sometimes, however, you realise only by sticking to the fight how close you were to the Crown ! Tenacity and perseverence is just as necessary for life as it for the games.
As Kenny Rogers has said so beautifully in his song- Gambler
You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.
Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done.
Now evry gambler knows that the secret to survivin
Is knowin what to throw away and knowing what to keep.
cause evry hands a winner and evry hands a loser,
And the best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.So... go ahead and find the wisdom to know when to stick to the fight and when to give it up!
Labels: Gambler, Games, Kenny Rogers, life
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i like 2.
1.Don't you wish life could be like a computer game? Did you make a mistake? Why worry? Undo! Do you feel you took the losing track? No issues! Restart! And if you are really stuck in a situation but want to continue to play- you still have the option of 'New game!' Just change the game!
In life, however, we have to keep walking on the path we chose. We must go on and bear the consequence of our actions- good or bad- no getting away from it.
2."if i have to put my mind to it why play!?
Thanks Tarun!Each one of us is different and treats all that happens to them in life differently. So... Both the views- treat life as a game; and, play mindlessly can be appealing to us.
Agree with nature walker-what sets us apart from each other is our approach to life or in general to any situation or a problem!
However,while playing a game it is totally an individual's choice on the approach and therefore the outcome. In real life situations or circumstances,our decisions are often influenced by all those connected with us.So,what we choose or may seem to choose may not necessarily define our individual choice.Also,the outcome of the choices made not only affect the individual but also all those connected!
Yes, there is no undo button in life.But if one gets stuck in a game, one needs to quit to play a new game.Life,however, gives us the chance to apologize!
Thanks Quest. I seem to have touched a cord with you! I do like what you say about our decisions not only affecting us but also those connected to each of us. Think of the network of interconnected lives all over the planet. Have you heard of the 'Monarch effect'? A monarch ( butterfly flapping its wings in an African jungle may set off a series of air currents that may result in an El Nino in the Atlantic. We often do not know who we affect and how much by each of our actions... and sometimes by the lack of actuon, too! tHANKS FOR YOUR FEEDBACK
Yes,nature walker, aren't we all a bundle of energy trapped in our human body constantly releasing positive/negative energy either by our action/inaction??It is therefore not surprising when we refer to positive or negative vibes being emitted from people-the presence of some instantly puts us at ease/unease.
Talk of interconnectedness-striking chord? It truly amazes me!!
Life IS a computer game but with it's own set of rules:
-There's no undo button
-There's no way to restart
-You cannot quit the game
-You always have two choices - right or wrong, good or bad
-There are no partners, you have to play solo - your partner is part of the game
-You have to play the game OR the game plays you
-Win or loose, in the end it's the game that quits you
Need I say more?
Most important!-Often we do not know whether it is right or wrong, good or bad until we have made the choice!It is only in retropect can we say the the kind of decision made.One bad decision can have the potential of ruining not only an individual life but have major impact on all those associated!
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