Waiting for no one . . .

Waiting for no one . . ., originally uploaded by Dr Sanjay Dhawan.

I am old.

I am tired.

I wait.

I have waited since etrnity.

I shall wait till infinity.

Reaching for the sky, a tree tells its tale of holding an entire Universe in the grasp of a hand. One just has to reach out. And the Universe accepts us.

Our bodies model the macro cosmos with graceful fidelity.

Every cell is connected to every other cell. Each unit is independent and related...

The day dawns, and casts its shadows into the evening that drifts into the night. Nature moves relentlessly. untiringly.

Are we up to it?

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The reeds that float… Nidhi Dhawan May 10, 2020 · 1 min read The reeds that float on the waves and get carried away are part of the flow tha...