Imagine... That there is a faraway place largely untouched by outsiders. Largely, because it is somewhat affected by the train that passes on the new track. The old decrepit track tells the unwritten tales of the past. The children here still run free and explore the nature around. They roam everywhere except the new train track.
The children hear it from the elders that Nature nurtures everywhere- except the new train track.
They hear it and drink it with their milk that the new train track is like the devil- it will steal the soul of those who venture on it.
And this is just as well. The trains do follow a time-table of sorts. But the villagers still tell the time of the day by the position of the sun and still travel by the horse and bull pulled carts. They are contented living within the dusty by-lanes of a rustic neighbourhood that nurtures their soul.
There are, however, always the rebels. Always those that are curious to see beyond, walk beyond, run beyond... REACH beyond...
One day, on a bright sunny morning, a group of five children walked to the out-skirts of the village. Their eyes could reach much farther than their tiny bodies, their little hands and their small feet.
Are you still imagining?
The children were playing on the old track. This was a safe place. The train would not travel on this one... Though still connected to the main new track, it was weak and dangerous for the trains. That, itself made it safe for everyone else.
What is a lump of flesh for some in the form of a larva, is the beginning of a butterfly for the others. It depends upon the perspective.
One child ran to catch the ball that had landed on the new track. This track was very much more attractive for him. It glistened in the sun. It seemed to reach infinity in the horizon. The boards of wood seemed to hold the two rails together, yet apart. These boards were strong and new. They were weathered and resilient. Everything about this track was vitality and enigma. New and attractive.
Everything about the old track was... dull and dying.
Ramesh, the one who had run after the ball yelled in obvious amazement, " Babu, Ram, Keval, Rattan, come here... look... how magnificent and shiny this track is!"
His voice beckoned his friends, alluring them to an experience that they knew could be dangerous.
Keval, however, was a disciplined boy. He always thought before he did anything. He always considered tradition before jumping headlong into the unknown. He always considered the word of the elders before he took a step away from home. He was sincere. He was strong. He believed he could do anything if he had the blessings of the Gods above and the Elders below.
Keval spoke up," Ramesh, this track can be dangerous. we MUST not play on it... It ,may thrill for a while but sooner or later, the train will come trundling along and carry us all to the infinity that seems to be alluring you! Come back to the old track. We are safe here."
Ramesh had a strange shine in his eyes. Glazed and mesmerised by the attractiveness of the moment, he was blind and deaf to any other advice. And he prevailed.
Ramesh and the other three began running on the new track, oblivious of the oncoming train. It was as if the track was actually directing them to their Destiny and Fate.
Keval was left alone. Dejected and desolate, he tried to make sense to the unhearing ears, unseeing eyes...
Now imagine...
The Driver in the oncoming train sees the children playing on the track. He is desperate. He blows the whistle. It goes unheeded. The train is inching closer every moment. The children are too happy to let anything else interfere with their moment of pleasure.
The Driver knows he has to do something, or four innocent children will die. His eyes dart from the instrument panel in front of him to the track with the children. Then his eyes swing like the pendulum and see the track running parallel to this one. There is one child there.
The driver knows that the track cannot support the weight of this train.
All the six hundred and forty eight passengers along with his crew are in danger, if he stops too suddenly because his train might get derailed.
If he does not stop, the four children on the track will definitely die.
If he changes the track... there is one child there. He, too will not survive- but the driver would have saved four children, sacrificing one!
Are you still on the track? Or in the driver's chair? Can you imagine the scene in front of you?
What would you do?
Would you stay on track, and kill the four children?
Would you change track and kill one child?
Would you try to stop suddenly... and risk derailment?
What would you do????
Answers later...
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I, on placing myself, in the drivers situation, would actually kill four boys. This would seem unfair and injustice to quite a few but there are three reasons behind this crucial movement. The first minor reason is that,
why to kill a guy who is on the safe track, as in, he is taking precautionary measures to save his life. The second reason is that it would leave a sign of warning to those millions of people that it wasn't safe to cross the new track. And the last major reason is that I have the responsibility of more than six hundred passengers on my head. If I divert the train to the old track where a single boy is standing, I would be risking their lives because the old track is not strong enough to sustain the weight of the train and it might get derailed. So this is not the question of one of five boys this is the question of six hundred and forty eight passengers along with the crew!
Like we say " What are the lives of a few people against those hundreds."
I would agree a hundred percent with you, InnerVoice.
I wonder now, if I have to write the rejoinder at all!
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