When old friends meet...

It has been nearly twenty years! Last I saw this friend of mine, it was in 1992!!

Long forgotten memories and long lost roads. We walked them again. Together. After nearly two decades.

Supriya is a teacher in the UK. I am a doctor in New Delhi. We have our families and our children and our work. We both feel passionately about our lives. And we were both together for most of our schooling.

So tender and so engrossing was our meeting that we did not even think of taking any pictures!!

We talked. We talked about our lives then and our lives since. We talked of all that we do now. And we talked about what our families do. With children nearly the same age, we identify with the conflicts and struggles of parenting and raising our childen to be what they can be.

It is not much different for her or for me. Our lives are defined by the several roles we play in the world we inhabit... and by the aspirations we hold for the world we want to build.

And we do want to build a world where our children are not only safe but also nurtured and nurturing.

We both are working in our small capacities and I do hope, there are several more 'mothering' their children to make a difference each day...


Glyn Pope said...

I find it odd, but maybe its not surprising, how when you meet a friend after several years, you can pick up almost precisely where you left off.

Nature Walker said...

Yes Glyn... we do...
And infact- we need to pick up exactly where we left off.

Twenty years is a long time.

And we did not even remember that we remembered!

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