I drive down this road every day. Twice a day.
I know every turn, curve and bank on this road.
I knew where I was going even if all I could see ahead of me was a cloud of fog so dense that it could be cut with a knife and yet so nebulous that it seemed to part with the exhalation of each car cutting through it.
Visibility was down to only five feet or so. This picture was taken with my mobile from a moving car... the motion blur can be seen...
Yet- with the confidence that comes with habitual familiarity, I could go at a steady pace. Each few feet revealed a further few feet. All this while the road gone by was engulfed in the swirling fog again.
The goal was clear. Reach the hospital. In time.
The direction was clear. Sometimes a car ahead with the rear blinkers on made the progress faster. Mostly I could trust my driving ability and my familiarity with this path. I knew I would get there. Where ever there is!
Life's roads are often like this. You may not be able to see very far ahead. You simply have to start. Then, each step reveals more along the path. You must only define your goal and set the correct direction. The path ahead is revealed just as the past is swallowed. Sometimes one comes across some friend peer or guide who make the progress faster. They simply have to be moving in the same general direction. We must also let go when our directions diverge.
As Dory said in " Finding Nemo", "Keep on swimming. Just keep on swimming."
Driving into the clouds...
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