Music and brain wave entrainment

I wrote this piece for Helium. The Mozart Effect has been tickling my fancy for some time now. Is it really possible for the children to do better math? Or languages? Or smile better? ...Or....Or...
just by listening to some tracks? And that too in the background? No active listening needed! So put on some music on your home stereo and let the fun begin!

There may be issues here that need a scientific research and that need authentication. But What the heck! It is definitely not causing any harm. It has the potential to do some good! So why not just let the adventure begin?

Music has been known to bring about better mood and fonder emotions in the hearer. It is easy to just listen.


Music is, foremost, a form of energy- the sound energy. Basic primary school Physics taught us beyond doubt that energy can only be transformed from one form to another. It can not be destroyed or even created.

Various sense organs receive the energy from external ( and internal) sources as signals and these are then tranduced, and transmitted to the brain in the form of a nerve impulse. Any information ( signal) received by the human body causes a change in its milieu and is responded to at a basic animal/ emotional level much prior to any cognitive and intellectual awareness of the stimulus or the response. This is the same, irrespective of the stimulus- and includes the response to musical stimuli.

This homeostatic mechanism is necessary for survival. It resists a change... or resonates to the stimulus to blend with the change ( adaptation). In neuro-physiological terms, if a stimulus is applied appropriately enough, it gradually 'resets' the body's internal milieu to a new set point. This is the reason for and the explaination of the concept of neuroplasticity and learning.

When applied continuously, such stimuli require the body to ceaselessly maintain a new homeostatic level. Functionally adaptive responses brought about in this manner, then entrain the nerves and the nervous system much in the same way that lifting weights entrains muscles to gradually become stronger.

Specific types of musical stimulation has been shown to be beneficial in dealing with attention deficit disorders, aches and pains, and even intellectual gains.

There have been a few studies that have proved that Mozart is good for growing children. These studies may have an inherent bias that may tilt the results in favour of the composer. There are a certain type of people who are likely to listen to Mozart and then expose their young children to the same influences. This type is likely to be cultured, quiet ( and exposed to music) and is likely to have children who carry similar genes. Thus, any kind of music could possibly have similar effects but Mozart is more likely to be heard by those who are inherently quieter and intellectually more robust.

All said and done, Mozart, like many of the other composers is likely not to have any ill effects. Thus, exposure to such music can in the long run not cause any harm and may promote some gain.

If music can reduce pain and blood pressure and induce peaceful sleep, it can, potentially also induce psychological and intellectual enhancement. Till proved otherwise, this is a relatively harmless strategy to follow with children ( or adults) and may be studied scientifically before dismissing it as rubbish or plain hype.

For those interested in Music and its effect on humans, interesting reading may be found in the follwing titles:

1. The Music Effect By Daniel J Schneck & Dorita S Berger ( Jessica Kingsley Publishers)

2. Music, The Brain ans Ecstacy By Robert Jourdain

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