Is spirituality an Ivory Tower discussion with no basis in real everyday life and living? Is spirituality something that teaches others how to live? Or is it something that makes each of us live our lives more truthfully, more sincerely and more attentively than we would otherwise. Is spirituality for others or for ourselves?
I heard this story from one of our friend's mother-in-law. It was very instructive! There were no names. No great people being quoted. I cannot be certain of the source of the story either.
See what you make of it. So... here goes.
Once upon a time, long, long ago there lived a very learned sage. He was well read and well versed. As his knowledge grew, so did his ego. Strange as it seemed, the sage grew increasingly proud of his knowledge and erudition.
One morning, he set out to beg for his meals. Upon reaching a household, he spake, resoundingly," Mai... bhiksham dehi! Oh Mother, give me alms, please!"
The lady was drying out the laundary. She left the clothes in the bucket and prayed," Please give me a minute, O Sage! I shall just be back." The sage waited. And waited. And waited. Then, he began to get irritated. "How can this woman leave me waiting? " He pumped up his own anger. "How dare she!?" His anger began to rise like the mercury in a thermometer on a hot summer day!
By the time the lady came out with the alms, he was livid. "O woman! Do you know who I am!? Let me show you." He looked at the bird sitting on a tree facing the house. The bird fell lifeless to the ground instantly.
The woman was saddened. And somewhat taken aback.
The sage thundered,"Woman, do you realise who I am? How powerful is my spiritual reach! How dare you make me wait! I can kill with one look!"
The lady replied very calmly, " Yes indeed! I can see who you are and what you can do. I went in to get you food. My toddler was crying. I do not know what is your spirituality, sir. But my love did not permit me to leave a toddler crying while you were waiting. I apologise." She quietly walked up to the fallen bird and tenderly picked it up. A tiny sound escaped the bird's frail frame. The sage was surprised.
And ashamed.
The little bird flapped its wings tentatively. The lady outstretched her hands and the tiny thing flew away!
Anger can kill. Spirituality does not.
Spirituality is much deeper and much more tolerant than the sage experienced despite his erudition!
Spirituality is in devotion, in sincerity, in love, in being in the moment- whatever you may be doing. This could be cooking for your family or studying for your theosophy degree. Or meditating for the Lord.
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