The Lodhi Garden is described as an Urban Oasis... And it is.
It is breathtakingly beautiful and paeceful despite the many people who throng to the lawns on most mornings.
And there are all kinds of people...
Young people who think they are never going to grow old and the old ones who know they will never grow young.
The old are more aware of the invincibility of Time and the young are more confident about their own. Neither view is conscious. Strangely the spectator who sees the two extremes walking the trails of the urban oasis realises the momentary nature of all human existence. And the futility of it all.
There was the old couple ambling along. They were bent over at their shoulders, both f them. They held on to each other's hands as if both could prop up the other but not hold up their own. They were smartly dressed for the early hour of the morning. The lady was dressed just as a lady would be- a muted steel grey dress with white shoes. The gentleman was exactly the picture you would see in a book- dressed in grey trousers and white shirt. They were totally engrossed in each other and were having an animated discussion about some family matter... oblivious to all who crossed their path or walked along at their own pace.
The two had all the time in the world- strangely- human beings begin to have all the time in the world when they have so little left! And they were not in a hurry. They were more in the moment than anyone else in their surrounding.
The snowy white hair were forming a divine halo around their heads and the peace on their faces was in defiance to the lack of it in the world around them. So easy it is to find whatever we are seeking if we have just one more sould we can share it whole-heartedly with!
And there was the other who had less aura and more tiredness in their faces, in their clothes as well as their walk. They were silent. But they were together. Their eyes seemed to be glazed with the myriad scenes they had seen and lived in the past. They were now resigned to life a of waiting. With so little time left to grace this world- it seemed like an eternal wait for something more meaningful in the hereafter.
Paradoxically, we have no time in our youth because we are so busy running that we cannot make out that we rae running to catch our own tail. And yet- youth is the time when we rae most prepared to face life- we have time ahead to reap the crop we sow, an we have, hopefully sown a good crop.
And then, we slow down some. We find that the time no longer runs so fast that we cannot catch it. We have little left in the treasury, but it moves ever so slowly.
The bottomline however, is not that the time moves fast or slow... it is that we move so fast or so slow that the Time mirrors our movement. Some call it Relativity... but is not that, too. Time is just another co-ordinate in space/time. It is we who move through time, not time that moves.
We are but a figment in the firmament of the Universe and we are simply momentary bubbles that will burst- sometimes in a moment and sometimes in a littlelonger than a moment.... But it the moment that is real and experienced by Man... a moment that forms a part of his Eternity... and the History of teh Universe.
Becoming watchful of these moments slows doen the Time for all of us. We suddenly find we can fill much more of a living, learning and loving in the same time.
We realise- by slowing ourselves down that it is possible to slow down our experience of Time. And our individual reality, too.
No time for regrets.
No time for pain.
No time for anguish.
And... Time... for everything- still.
A morning in Paradise
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